Brenda Greene is the owner and operator of Yoga Magnolia. She has practiced yoga for 20 years and is also certified by Yoga Alliance (ID: 53333). Brenda did her training at Naturally Yoga in Glen Rock, New Jersey, with Sheryl Edsall. She did her teacher training before a planned move to North Carolina. A Google search revealed there were no yoga studios in Halifax, Edgecombe or Nash counties, so she was determined to create something closer to her new home. Brenda moved to Enfield January 2011 and opened the Yoga Maganolia June 21, 2011 - on the summer solstice.  

Brenda is a lover of movement – dance, basketball, jump-roping, running, walking, gardening, even climbing ladders and mowing lawns. She encourages students to move, move, move. Yoga Magnolia will celebrate its 12th year of operation June 2023.


Sarah Brinker is a certified health coach and will provide a free health history. She was certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and wants to help you succeed at following through with your health goals. Her approach is centered around lifestyle goals and solutions, not only about what you eat. She can provide information and exercises to help you explore the right path for you. If you would like to see if Sarah’s approach is a good fit for you, call to schedule a free 30-40 minute health history. Health histories can be done in person or over the phone. You can reach her at 919-353-0882. Coaching sessions will be held at the studio.

A few years back, Kambria Lynch did some of her student teaching at Yoga Magnolia. She then became a substitute yoga teacher at Yoga Magnolia. In the back of her mind, she must have thought the studio would make a great locale for serving smoothies and other healthy drinks. She opened Magnolia Nutrition the first week of January 2023. As a partner with Herballife, Kambria offers a range of protein shakes and other drinks to help customers support wellness goals.

Kambria Lynch, right. Enjoy a smoothie after your yoga classes. Kambria is there Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Wellness aligns perfectly with Kambria’s mindset. She is a graduate of ECU with a concentration in Health Fitness. In addition, she is a certified Yoga Teacher and a certified Personal Trainer.

Kambria is Back! You can buy your favorite smoothies three days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Kambria’s yoga classes are currently cancelled.

Magnolia Nutrition is located inside the yoga studio at 125 North Railroad Street, Enfield, NC. Have questions, call Kambria at 252-813-8037. Find Kambria on Facebook at Magnolianutritionnc.



Vanessa Scaife, LMBT, started her wellness journey 30 years ago in New Jersey. She has earned several certifications to practice in health and wellness establishments and today is a licensed massage therapist. She is now offering her services at Yoga Magnolia (on Sundays or Mondays). Vanessa is also the founder and director of the Lighthouse Home Inc., a nonprofit organization that shelters women fighting addiction. Massage therapy pricing is on the Rates Page.


Do you need to be more energetically balanced? Would you like to reduce anxiety and stress and feel more calm? Biofield Tuning is a form of energy medicine that uses sound waves, produced by tuning fork vibrations, to re-tune the body out of patterns of stress and tension.

During a Biofield Tuning, a client is fully clothed while lying on a treatment table. A tuning fork scans the body to detect trouble spots. To schedule a tuning, please contact Susanna Martin at 201-401-4234.